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Friday, May 29, 2015

One Piece Chapter 788 Summary: Mansherry's Tears

One Piece Chapter 788

"How I Fight"

Cover Page: Perona listening to Brook as he performs a "cursed song"

Naruto Gaiden Chapter 700+5 Summary: Sasuke's Mission

Naruto Gaiden Chapter 700+5

"The World to Come"

The chapter continues with the unexpected meeting of father and daughter in Sasuke and Sarada.

Bleach Chapter 628 Summary: "Wahrwelt"

Bleach Chapter 628

"New World Order"

This is mainly another setup chapter before the final war between the Shinigamis and the Quincies.

Friday, May 22, 2015

One Piece Chapter 787 Summary: Blaze Dragon King

One Piece Chapter 787

Four Minutes Away

          This chapter of One Piece starts off with the cover page of Zorro and the bears playing the Taiko drums while using armament haki on both hands. 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Naruto Gaiden Chapter 700+4 Summary: Meeting Sasuke

Naruto Gaiden Chapter 700+4 

A Chance Encounter 2

          Naruto together with the girls, Salad and Chou-chou encounter Uchiha Shin who immediately activates his mangekyou sharingan and attacks them. Naruto then goes bijuu mode (as seen below) and blocks Shin's attacks and counters him but he dodges. A mini juubi appears near Shin and tells him to back-off as this is an opponent he can't beat then proceeds to escape using kamui

Bleach Chapter 627 Summary: "New" Soul Palace

Bleach Chapter 627 

The Creation

          The story at the moment is moving at a snail's pace as barely anything significant happened in this chapter. The first part mainly a discussion within the group with Ichigo,  some comedy and some cheesy moments between Ichigo and Riruka. 

Friday, May 15, 2015


So here are some of the  sources for which I will be doing my reviews from:

Blog Overview

   I've always wanted to write my own blog for a long time now and finally I managed to convince myself to do one.